Less Scattered: mini-resource for your mind (free)

Access these free resources to help gather your mind back in!

I share some ideas and practices to bring you back from scattered thinking.  Sometimes our brain fog, procrastination, dissociation and unsettledness is actually because our mind is racing and our brain is overwhelmed. We struggle to create order in our thoughts and it is exhausting. 

Go gently. We all have an unruly mind at times, and scattered thinking is part of being human. 

There is lots we can do to help.  Hear me explain how to attune to the light and why you shouldn't brush you teeth with the light on.
Or join in with a simple breath, meditation or movement practice

These tips are to help you collect your thoughts and come back to the body when needed. 
Sign up now by entering your email address or by using your existing login to my Thrive Resource Hub.  

Kerry x

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